Team Meetings: - 5 points possible per meeting based on the following.

Outreach/Community Service: - 30 points minimum - 1 point per hour served


Mentor’s Choice
Mentors can choose to reward a student (not related to them) up to 5 points each instance for outstanding work, initiative, positive behavior (working extra hard to meet a deadline) or for whatever they’d like to recognize the student for. The mentor will submit a note describing the students deserving actions to the business team when requesting that points be awarded to the student.
Mentors can also choose to reduce a student’s points (up to -5 points each instance) for actions that are not beneficial to the team’s success. This could be used in instances of a student not conforming to the behavior policy, not contributing to the task at hand. The mentor will submit a note describing the student’s actions to Mr. Roberts when requesting that the points be taken away from the student.