Mentor Meeting - 2018-08-07


Rocky Kicked off the meeting with a query to each mentor as to what is her top suggestion is for improvement

Discuss mentor responsibilities and new mentor policies

(Rocky) Proposals:

Discussion on this touched on Mentor skill sets, but overall it was left unclear on how these lines are drawn. Further discussion seems necessary.

Communication Plan


Review team organization structure, assign mentors to each group


Please Review tdogs_org.pdf
Discussion that followed yielded the following on the board In summary of that discussion

Discussed how projects will have owners. Some long term projects have physical locations, with teams assigned, and inventory.

It was clear that students will have the ability to earn their way to where they want to be on the team. Rocky will use a video game metaphor to drive home how success lies to a great extend in their hands.

Review mentor project status

  1. Room organization - Iain, Jim will advise on build room organization
  2. LCRA
  3. FTC/FLL - FTC research fell into public relations - Eric wants to be involved
  4. Trailer - Carpet wont fit - (needs wrap FIXME)
  5. Conely Cleanup - Within 2 weeks - need Jims or other trailer to haul carpet to GM
  6. Outreach
  7. Chairman's - Students are geeked, going in head first, Theme - We're not done yet
  8. Sponsors
  9. IT structure and WIKI
  10. Recruiting

Discuss Fall Training Calendar

Sept – Dec: Training
Jan – Feb: Build
Feb – Apr: Competition