Table of Contents

9/12/2018 Business Meeting (Auto Tech)




Class Presentations for Recruiting

Hans explained his effort to create presentations for certain classes

Mr. Roberts will be contacting teachers
The emphasis will be applying their skills
Brain Storming

General Benefits
Graphic Design
CAD / Engineering

Fundraising Events

Wants to put into action what we plan on doing:
Create a flashy receipt Robot

Receipts and Ordering

Restrictions of the school -

School Vendors
Our Vendors

Request Process
Request Queue (form) → (approve) → Ready Queue → Buyer → Print Form and Gather Receipt → Delivery to Receiver → Item to Inventory - Receipts to Accounting
All buying goes through Thadeus
Paper form and online form for digital content
Above $300 present to team leaders
Need to determine approvers - student and mentor (small) - leadership (large)
Receipts - Accounting keeps copy and original goes to front office - Then update Budget