**Software Version Control** **What is it?** **Why is it important?** Have you ever run into the situation where: * is home sick with the only copy of code that makes the swerve drives work correctly? * Windows decided to start an update that seems like it will take 7 hours and your robot needs to be updated for the match starting in 1 hour? * The hard drive fails on your trusty laptop that is held together with energy drink stickers? * Kyle made a change and now absolutely nothing works but you don't know what he did? These are a few scenarios we avoid by using a distributed (read - working code lives on many computers with history) version control system. Having code readily available for anyone to use, and a documented history of the changes you made is critical to both build season and gameday. **How we do version control?** We use GIT. To get a basic understanding of GIT, try reading [[https://hackernoon.com/understanding-git-fcffd87c15a3|Understanding Git (part 1) — Explain it Like I’m Five]] COMMIT ALL THE TIME!